How to DOUBLE Your Sales

How to DOUBLE Your Sales

How to DOUBLE Your Sales Every single day you can measure everything you're doing, and improve it over time through adjustment. If I need to buy the fastest car in the world, I'm going to race every last one of them, and determine which is the fastest. So why aren't...

Henry Bloch – Many Happy Returns

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Thomas M. Bloch Henry Bloch began H&R Block with his brother Richard in 1955. This was after serving in WW2 where he was part of a flight crew that shot down Nazi war planes. Actually, H&R Block was not their...

Ignore Everybody

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Hugh MacLeod MacLeod is a poor man's Seth Godin. In his book, Ignore Everybody, I loved his fresh insights on how to be more creative in a world that beats people into mediocrity the way a fridge strives to keep its...
How to Make Yourself Read

How to Make Yourself Read

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] Making yourself read is just as easy as making yourself brush your own teeth each morning. While at one time during your childhood (hopefully not your adulthood), this may have been an inconvenient chore, after some...
Why You Should Read

Why You Should Read

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] Whether you enjoy reading or not, you must understand that reading the right books will make you infinitely more effective, and successful, at whatever you are trying to do. If you doubt me, listen to this story. I was...