The Long Tail

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Chris Anderson The Long Tail is a jubilant journey through the world of niche markets that are collectively and perpetually dominating historically recognized, "hits." For example, Anderson points out in the 1990s...

Tai Lopez is “Here in My Garage”

[sb name="mmcm-top"] If you sell anything, you have most likely seen an ad from the one and only, Tai Lopez. He's probably the greatest self-promoter since PT Barnum. I first stumbled upon Tai like everyone else, with his ad which has since been referred to as: "Here...

You, Inc., The Art of Selling Yourself

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Henry Beckwith & Christine Clifford This book is laid out like a series of short blog-type posts, each giving some valuable bits of useful self-promotional tips around the art of being authentic, and selling...

Avis Brilliantly Embraces Being “#2”

[sb name="mmcm-top"] Size is an interesting thing. In martial arts such as Jujitsu, a fighter can leverage the size of an opponent to bring him/her down to the ground. Avis has had all of the size in the car rental industry since their inception. This is mainly due to...

Think and Grow Rich

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Napoleon Hill Simply put, every bit of self-help advice that has ever been told-written, read or said since 1930 has dripped directly out of the overflowing intellectual waterfall this book has generated. Napoleon...