[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Ann Handley Ann has created what I deem the Bible of Content creation. She lays out the most useful formula for writing that I have ever seen, combined with a seemingly endless list of tangible advice you can use to...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Jonah Berger This book is a guide on how to make content viral, or rather, "contagious." Viral content is any content (video, article, idea, invention, etc.) that spreads throughout a huge group of people much faster...
HOW TO GET FEATURED IN TOP PUBLICATIONS Watch Me Explain How You can Get into Forbes, Inc., etc. SUBSCRIBE MORE VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE MORE VIDEOS Join HARO NOW! HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a free service that links reporters up with business owners and experts like you...
HOW TO WRITE SALES DRIVING PROPOSALS Watch Me Explain What Your Proposals Must Include to Get Accepted Nearly Every Time SUBSCRIBE MORE VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE MORE VIDEOS #1... Should You Write the Proposal? Every sales process has phases, and the proposal phase should...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Seth Godin Seth Godin is to creative professionals what Moses what to Jewish people under ancient Egyptian rule. He guides people out of their restrictive beliefs, and catapults their minds into the world of...