Confessions of a Pricing Man

Confessions of a Pricing Man

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Hermann Simon I have always been absolutely fascinated by the study of pricing, and its effects on buying behavior. If you're new to the study of pricing, I highly recommend this book, which is a sort of hybrid...
Pepsi Pisses Off Black Lives Matter

Pepsi Pisses Off Black Lives Matter

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-flops"] Here's some advice the marketing people at Pepsi should have learned in the 1st grade: Don't discuss religion or politics. In April 2017, Pepsi rolled out a video ad that featured Kendall Jenner walking through a protest,...
Target Closes All of Its Stores in Canada

Target Closes All of Its Stores in Canada

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-flops"] In March, 2013, Target opened its first of 133 stores in Canada. By April 12, 2015, it had closed every last one of its 133 stores Canada. That's right, in 2 years, Target opened and closed 133 stores in Canada. Ask the...


[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-movie"] Hancock is a coming-of-age film about an alcoholic unconventional superhero who changes his image, and discovers his past. Like all Will Smith movies (except for The Pursuit of Happyness [sic]), special effects, alien...
Merge Words

Merge Words

[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="marketing-tools"] is another online marketing gem that quickly allows you to build keywords for your website by combining several phrases you need to incorporate into each keyword for Search Engine Optimization or Pay...