Matt's Monthly Marketing Book Club
Can you fly a kite?
Can you catch a dream?
Can you invent a widget that will collect all of the magical fairy dust in the world, and sprinkle it all over America's children?
I have no idea, but what you can do is subscribe to my monthly marketing book club to stay informed as to what you should be reading to increase your sales.
Every month I'm recommending a book to you that I have personally used to improve the marketing, advertising, public relations and overall promotional efforts of our clients, and myself. Enjoy!
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Most Recent Marketing Book Review
Blue Ocean Strategy
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne There aren't many marketing books let alone business books I DEMAND that people read. However, Blue Ocean Strategy is one of them. Blue Ocean Strategy is one of those books that...
Previous Marketing Book Reviews
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