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Maverick's Monday Morning Marketing Memo

Top 3 Marketing Tips for Small Business Success

Maverick Steffen  -  8/26/2024

Are you looking to take your customer acquisition to the next level? Here are three essential marketing tips that you can implement right away to exponentially improve your results.

1. Implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

One of the most powerful tools you can add to your marketing strategy is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. Whether you choose High Level, Zoho, or any other software, the key is to ensure that every lead or customer interaction is captured and stored for future follow-up.

This includes calls, chatbot interactions, form submissions, and more.

Many potential customers may not be ready to buy today, tomorrow, or even next month, but a good CRM ensures they won’t be forgotten. By keeping their information on hand, you can retarget them through emails or text messages, keeping your brand in front of them until they're ready to make a purchase. It’s common to hear from clients who suddenly get a new customer years after they initially entered the CRM. This demonstrates the long-term value of maintaining a well-organized database of potential customers.

To get started, ensure you have a robust form on your website, such as those provided by Cognito forms, which can automatically send emails to confirm receipt of information. By integrating this with automation tools like Zapier, you can seamlessly transfer leads into your CRM, ensuring they are nurtured effectively over time.

2. Use First-Person Present Tense in All Marketing Copy

Another critical aspect of effective marketing is the language used in your copy. A common mistake is failing to use first-person present tense in headlines and body content. This approach is more engaging and effective at capturing attention and converting leads into customers.

For instance, instead of saying, "We are going to bring you the best service," say, "We bring you the best service." The shift to present tense makes the communication feel more immediate and compelling. This technique, championed by advertising legends like David Ogilvy, has been proven to increase both engagement and conversions.

3. A/B Split Test Weekly

The third tip is to continuously A/B split test elements of your marketing. Every week presents an opportunity to experiment with different aspects of your campaigns. For example, you can create a duplicate of your homepage and change just one element, such as the headline. Compare the performance of the original page with the modified version to see which one converts better.

This process is simple: use a plugin to create an identical copy of your webpage, alter one variable, and direct 50% of your traffic to each version. At the end of the week, analyze the results and adopt the version that performs best. Over time, this approach will significantly improve your conversion rates. By making one small change each week, you can run 52 tests a year, each one helping to optimize your marketing strategy.

Remember, it's not about what feels right—it's about what the data shows. Numbers are the language of business, and they should guide your decision-making. By consistently implementing these three tips—using a CRM, writing in first-person present tense, and A/B split testing—you’ll see a marked improvement in your customer acquisition and overall marketing effectiveness.

Start applying these strategies today and watch your business grow.

To your success!


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