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by Seth Godin

This is a fast read with dense information that will help you see the big picture of all of your marketing efforts.

The thing I appreciate most about Seth Godin is he always has fresh ideas.

The thing I dislike about Seth Godin is his books tend to lack continuity from beginning to end.

Instead, they feel as if he has compiled a number of his blogs together, or rather has had his assistant mend together a series of somewhat related blogs the way a Victorian Lady may have created a quilt from fabric lying around the mansion.

Nevertheless, one of the areas I really appreciate in this book is when Seth  challenges us to discover why potential customers don't choose us (our businesses), and why they are right!

That's very interesting and something I've never given thought to.

Alas, I'm not gifted with the creativity of Seth Godin.

A few other things I appreciated is his guide to Marketing in 5 Steps which I feel is as executable as it is practical.

As always Seth does a great job of peppering In traditional marketing knowledge such as the fact  your brand  should summon one word in your potential customers' mind.

Also, what is the real promise of the headlines you are using in your ads?

Naturally Seth Godin used one of my favorite headlines of all time to illustrate this example.

For instance, the classic, they all laughed when I sat down behind the piano, but when I started to play. Seth stipulated the true benefit of this headline is increasing one's status. Interestingly accurate!

He pointed out that every headline (at least the good ones) say one thing but mean another. I found this thought, in and of itself, worthy of the money I spent to purchase this book alone.

There are many other gems I'd like to add, but frankly I think this book will be an extremely useful resource in your marketing toolkit, so I want you to get it.

The great thing about Seth Godin is after you read his books, you know you've learned a lot of practical information about marketing, but you also feel really, really good about yourself. Almost as if you've exercised or disarmed an armed bank robber.

I'm not sure how he is able to do that, but he does it better than almost all of the hundreds of authors I've read.

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