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by Al Reis & Laura Reis
Reis teamed up with his wife to provide this comprehensive guide to practical branding that I HIGHLY recommend for executives, biz owners and marketers alike.
Reis also authored The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing and Positioning which I highly recommend. These were written with Jack Trout.
I read this book when I got into marketing, and needed a quick and renowned volume to introduce me to as many undisputed branding theories as possible. This book was the natural choice.
In it, the Reis lovers lay forth 22 easy-to-follow "laws" of branding backed by decades of case studies on successful, and unsuccessful, companies who have either yielded these laws or not.
Now, believe it or not, not all of these laws are common sense. In fact, some of them seem to defy the branding efforts of companies who have done very well. This is when the authors are quick to point out that companies can be successful, even in spite of their own branding.
This is very important, because all too often I see clients wanting to follow the lead of larger companies, despite the fact what they may actually be doing is in serious need of repair.
For example:
- You have a successful family law firm (Klein & Partners Family Law), but wish to create a line extension of legal services that will also use your name. For example, Klein & Partners Criminal Defense. Is this a good idea?
- You have to create a logo, and you've read that blue is the best color to use because it's the most trustworthy. Should you use it?
- You have a long company name (Britten, Johnson, Hullihan and Prickett), so you wish to make it an acronym to make it more memorable (B.J.H & P), is this a good idea?
- You have built a strong brand selling a product that has now been made obsolete, so you developed a new product that is similar, and now more useful than ever. Do you change the company name?
I'd be interested to see what your logic is for all of these questions.
I can confidently say that after reading this book, you will be a branding expert of sorts.
You will understand, with decades of case histories in your arsenal, what the best branding approaches are, for any possible scenario, in order to build customer loyalty, increase your audience, and your sales.
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