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Maverick's Morning Thoughts

How Competitors are Stealing Your Customers Right Now

Maverick Steffen  -  7/29/2024

What if I told you that all that traffic you drive to your website is actively being converted into customers by a competitor? Well, if you're not running Facebook Ads, it's true!

It's crucial for you to understand the dynamics of online advertising, especially the power of Facebook ads.

For example, say you own a tree removal company in Toms River, NJ, and a potential customer is looking for your services.

They start by searching on Google, and because you've wisely invested in search engine optimization (well done!), they find your website! However, this is the tire-kicking phase, where they're gathering information and not ready to pull the trigger.

But here's where it gets interesting: The moment they express interest in a specific service, platforms like Facebook take note.

Thanks to sophisticated algorithms, Facebook starts showing them ads related to their search.

So, if your competitor has a strong Facebook ad strategy, their ads will constantly be in front of this potential customer, getting them to contact them and not you. Humiliating...

...despite your efforts in SEO, billboards, radio ads, etc., your marketing investment risks being undermined by a competitor's targeted digital ads.


The danger here is clear: despite your efforts in SEO, billboards, radio ads, etc., your marketing investment risks being undermined by a competitor's targeted digital ads.

The solution is straightforward yet powerful: Incorporate Facebook ads into your marketing mix.


By installing a Facebook pixel on your website, you can track visitors and retarget them with your ads.

This strategy ensures that after visiting your website, potential customers keep seeing your ads, countering your competitor's attempts to lure them away.

Many clients have reported significant success with this approach. Our Clients often hear from customers who had visited multiple sites, only to be won over by the persistent and targeted visibility of their ads that we created. 

Marketing isn't just about being proactive; it's also about playing defense.

To draw a parallel, if you're interested in someone sexually, you don't just meet them once and hope for the best. You follow up--you stay in the picture!

Similarly, in the digital marketing dance, it's not enough to just show up; you need to be actively present, engaging your potential customers consistently.

Facebook ads offer a way to do just that. Are you ready to join the dance and ensure your future customers are dancing with you, not your competitors?

To your success!


Learn how to use marketing to get whatever you want.
