[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] Making yourself read is just as easy as making yourself brush your own teeth each morning. While at one time during your childhood (hopefully not your adulthood), this may have been an inconvenient chore, after some...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] Whether you enjoy reading or not, you must understand that reading the right books will make you infinitely more effective, and successful, at whatever you are trying to do. If you doubt me, listen to this story. I was...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Robert B. Cialdini Cialdini is back, decades after his persuasive masterpiece, Influence. Pre-Suasion is a guide to being more persuasive. The method is simple: Arrange for an audience to agree with your message,...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Robert B. Cialdini When Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hires you as a persuasive adviser, you know you've got it made in the persuasive shade. This is the case for Mr. Robert Cialdini who wrote "Influence"...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="book-club-top"] by Sam Walton What if I told you the greatest businessperson that ever lived wrote a book on their deathbed that contained all of their marketing secrets? Would you read it? I thought so. This month I'm reviewing Sam...