[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-movie"] Those dangerous dinos are back once again, and this time, they're NOT screwing around! Muhahahahaha!!!! Anyway, Jurassic World is proof of 2 things Modern cinematic creativity is so lacking that producers have to go digging...
[sb name="mmcm-top"] There has never been another viral event in the history of Social Media that has resulted in more engagement, conversions and user participation than the 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge. Numerous attempts have been made to duplicate its success for...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-flops"] Many people assume General Motors (GM) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in June 2009 because of the recession. Arguably, this was not really the case. Instead, in 2005, GM led one of the most successful car sales promotions...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-flops"] Can one article sabotage a publicly-traded retail company online? It turns out, yes! In February of 2011, David Segal of the New York Times published an article about a well-known retail company... ahem, J.C. Penny,...
[sb name="top-banner"] [sb name="top-movie"] Last week I recommended the Wolf of Wall Street which is funny because the real-life protagonist in that film was inspired by the movie I'm recommending today: Wall Street. This film is great from a marketing perspective...